Rip Database

Game: Phantasy Star Online, PAL
User: Genesia Teams Gorrila
Date: 2001-06-18 12:44:22


The intro movies have been downsampled, PSO_0P3600.sfd (all language downsampled)

Bin Hacking:

Hack3 – 1st_read.bin, 2dp.bin, sg_dpldr.bin, maigo.bin – 11700
In 1st_read.bin, 10320D8B –> 08000DB8
CDE4436A –> 09000900
02E000E0 –> 00E000E0

In 2dp.bin, 02E000E0 —> 00E000E0


Success, but the game is protected against dummy files which i don’t know how to crack, if you know how to crack dummy files mail me @, or contact me on AIM, thegorrila. This only works if you don’t dummy the game, and burn the file


I cracked the PAL version of PSO first, so don’t go taking credit for my work. If you know how to remove dummy file protection, mail me, as on this game there is room for a 100mb dummy.

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