Category Archives: Dreamcast

VMU Backup Tool v0.5.1

Good news again!
Another version of VMU Backup Tool is ready!

Release notes:

.VMI/.VMS support added (no need to rename your files now)
Improved file browsing (the file list is now loaded in memory)

About the .VMS support, the file scan will skip any .VMI file it founds and it will only list your .VMS files, but don’t worry, the app is working fine.
Just select the .VMS file you like to copy to a VMU, and the VMU Tool will open the .VMI file, read the data it needs, and then it will write the correct filename in the selected VMU along with the data in the .VMS file.

Download at SourceForge

(as you can see, I’ve just set up a SourceForge project, in case this baby keeps growing)

c ya!

VMU Backup Tool v0.5.0

Download at SourceForge

Release notes:

* Complete support to transfer savegame files (single or multiple file transfers) VMU -> PC, PC -> VMU, CD -> VMU, VMU -> VMU
* Pretty neat and straight-forward GUI (vmu selection, file selection, vmu info, etc)

Use notes:

* For PC transfers, the app uses the /vmutool directory. (/pc/vmutool)
* For CD transfers, it uses /vmutool too. (/cd/vmutool)
* For VMU->VMU transfers, the destination VMU must be placed in Port A, Slot 1. (/vmu/a1)

Any questions, problems, or greetings will be answered.


VMU Backup Tool v0.0.2

Well, as I promised earlier, here’s the new VMU Backup Tool v0.0.2
Now it supports uploading your savegame files from your PC to any VMU.

Here’s the download link: SourceForge (ELF binary + sources)

Release notes:
* VMU -> PC and PC -> VMU fully working, right now the backup option uploads/downloads all the files in the PC or VMU, but I want to add the ability to select particular files too.
* In this new version, I decided to stop using the PC root dir (/pc/) and the app uses its own dir now: /vmutool . So please be sure before you use the backup tool to create the proper directory in your PC hard disk. (C:VMUTOOL in Windows)

Quick use guide:

* To download game files (VMU -> PC): run the app, use the d-pad to select the VMU you want to backup, and press “A”. All the files will be copied to /vmutool/
You can see the progress of the transfer in the DC-TOOL console window.

* To upload game files (PC -> VMU): run the app, use the d-pad to select the VMU where you want to upload the files (be sure to have some free blocks there), and press “B”. All the files in the /vmutool/ directory will be copied to the VMU you’ve selected.
You can see the progress of the transfer in the DC-TOOL console window.

Please, be free to try this new version and send your comments, every tester is welcome!

thanks, c ya!

VMU Backup Tool released

Well, first of all, this is my first homebrew app I’ve developed for the DC. (so don’t be too cruel)

The main idea behind it was to backup all my VMU savegame files to my PC, using my BBA. I saw the Vorlem app but it was designed for the coders-cable so I decided to code an app by my own.

This first release (v0.0.1) has been tested by me (under Win 9x and XP), and it works great backing up my savegame files from the Dreamcast to my PC using the broadband adapter.

You’ve to use DC-TOOL to load VMUTOOL.ELF, and then use your DC controller to select wich VMU you want to backup. Press “A” and all the files will be copied to your PC’s root dir. (C: in Windows) To exit the app just press START.

I would like to share this app with the DC community, so everybody can send their opinions, suggestions, bugs, code fixes, etc.

Download at SourceForge

In the next release, I will add the ability to load files from PC and save them on a VMU, and also I could add a cd-r -> vmu option, like BlueCrab did in his VmuCopy app.

thanks for all, and don’t forget to test it and send your comments!

Fox Racing Wheel

Hoy conseguí un nuevo accesorio (sí, otro más) para la SEGA Bukast. Esta vez fue el Racing Wheel para poder disfrutar por completo de los excelentes juegos de carreras que tiene la consola, como el Daytona USA o el SEGA Rally 2. Aunque no lo crean, lo conseguí a un precio baratísimo, tan solo $35, aproximadamente US$12 dólares. Por lo visto, a veces tengo mucha suerte. Grin


Naki VGA Box

Siguiendo con el “shopping spree” para la Bukast, hoy compré otro accesorio bastante interesate; la VGA Box que permite conectar la salida de imagen de la Dreamcast a un monitor VGA de PC y de esta forma obtener muchisima mayor definición en todos los juegos.
Sinceramente me sorprendió la diferencia de calidad de imagen al conectar la DC a un monitor VGA. La nitidez, el datalle y los colores son muchisimo mejores. La unica real desventaja de un monitor VGA es el tamaño, ya que no es lo mismo jugar en 17′ (VGA) que en 29′ (TV). Wink
