
2 thoughts on “Links”

  1. Hi , i,m Stefano and I am writing to you from Italy, I apologize in advance for my google-translated English.
    I wanted to ask you, obviously paying for your work, for help to understand if it is possible to unlock features on a game:
    PQ2 Practical Intelligence Quotient 2 for PSP with PPSSPP emulator.
    I would like to unlock puzzles that I already have but are not being read by the game, I have been working on it for 7 months with very low amateur skills.
    I’ve been looking everywhere for puzzles for this game, I’ve collaborated with Spanish and Japanese guys who helped me collect more than 3000 puzzles but unfortunately I can only access 1000 puzzles.
    There is a USD save file with the list of puzzles, but I have not found any way to decrypt it.
    I kindly ask for your help, or if you can’t, help me find someone available who for a fee can check if it can be done.
    If you agree, remember that I want to pay for your work because I know it requires time and patience, I will give you more details about what I have found and what I understand about the game so far.
    I tried to write to you because I discovered Apollo but unfortunately in my case it doesn’t work. Thank you for your patience.

  2. Hello buccaneer, I would like if you could please work so that the PS4 apollo saves tool is functional in firmware 11.00 since I would like to be able to use it, since I was finally able to have my console with gold hen | hola bucanero me gustaría si por favor podrías trabajar para que el apollo saves tool de PS4 sea funcional en el firmware 11.00 ya que me gustaría poder usarlo, ya que al fin pude tener mi consola con gold hen

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