As I´ve promised at, I made the Shenmue Save Converter so you can load your completed Shenmue 1 save on Shenmue 2 PAL.
Download the beta version: shenfix_beta.rar
If someone wants, burn the self-boot image (Padus DiscJuggler .CDI) and try it out.
Some notes about it: you might notice the logos and screens saying VMZip, but don’t worry, its because I didn’t have time to make new screens for the beta.
Using the converter is pretty simple: browse and select your Shenmue 1 save file, press “A”, and then select the destination VMU to save the fixed PAL Shenmue save.
My suggestion for beta testing: save the converted file in a different VMU, so you won’t overwrite your existing (and WORKING!) save file.
If it works nice for the beta testers, then I can do a proper official release.
I hope to hear your comments, c ya!
I have been waiting for something like this forever! Thank you so much!!!
Terribly sorry for how late this response is. School’s back, ive been a bit busy, sorry.
Anyways, you probably already know this but the shenfix works beautifily. All of my items and moves have converted over. Ill be planning to redo shenmue 1 again for fun.
Thanks for you help, I hope others can find it useful as well. If you need anything else tested feel free to ask and ill try to test it sooner.
Increíble! Desde que terminé Shenmue 1 estoy esperando algo así. Voy a descargarlo a ver si funciona.
Gracias, Bucanero!
Funciona solo con el juego PAL? funcionará tambien con Shenmue II Japones?
This doesn’t work i tried a us save and don’t load.
esta muy bueno gran aporte
queria contactarte dame tu e-mail porfavor
eso y saludos
olá, gostaria de saber como posso me comunicar com o hykan do rip database do game D2.
che, ni de casualidad vendes tu BBA + GDrom de Inet + VGa box? jajaja re pedigueño.
, si lo vendes me avisas por email? muy buena tu web, solo q tenes media perdida a la Dreamcast che! 
hola lo probe en el emulador y funciono pero lo grabe y la dc no lo toma ni siquiera arranca se queda leyendo mal y no lo toma hay que grabarlo de otra manera ? gracias
HEY! Please can you help me out here!
I have PAL save files of Shenmue 1 but my disc 3 has stopped working. The only ISO of the 3rd disc I could get was the US edition but it can’t load my PAL data. With your converter, is it possible to change my memory file into US form?
Thank you! Please get back!
really great
i feared i had to play again in the pal version
Could you reupload or email to me a new copy of shenfix? I’d really like to use it, and it sounds promising.
This disk not starts… So in my case in dont work. Sorry.
seems to work! thanks alot!
how can i get mu null dc1.6 to save my shenmue game? plz help.
How does this work? lol Do u download it then burn it to a cd then put it in your dreamcast? i dont know much about computers and stuff i just love Shenmue and dreamcast
Thanks buddy, this worked fine.
Por fin!!, creí que nunca usaria el juego del shenmue 1 en el 2 pal, que alegria!, gracias bucanero, y que mal que no se le haya ocurrido a sega en todo caso…en fin, que contento estoy!!!
Brilliant, nice one!
Worked flawlessly!
You can even overwrite the file in the same VMU.
Doesn’t seem to work. I save to the same VMU (timestamp of vmu_data_port01.bin updates).
Shenmue 2 won’t allow me to load/continue.
Is there an issue with saving my “cleared” save to slot 2 in Shenmue 1?
Shenmue 1 NTSC can’t load the original saves (I backed up the VMU, so it’s ok).
I’ll try a different Shenmue 2 version then report back.
Actually, it DOES work! You had to go to New Game, not Continue/Load. I was confused, that’s all
Works on Flycast Emulator.
Thank You.